
Friends of the Heart Foundation of Jamaica LTD

07957 629 868 fhfjgeneralsec@gmail.com

Online Concert update

26 Sep 2020

On July 25th we hosted our online fundraising concert. We had an amazing line-up of performers who donated their “craft” to entertain our audience. This was a new venture for FHFJ and we are pleased that our members, long-time supporters and new friends logged on and supported us. We were astonished to raise £1,589.83 from ticket sales and a further £563.99 in donations over the period of June-September.


If you would like to view some of the acts that supported our concert you can do so by visiting  our Youtube site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvx6KZLDOJEO-auv04v9HpA?view_as=subscriber


When shopping on Amazon ,how about selecting  https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/284408-0a donation will be made to the charity.